Living into our congregation’s mission of Building and Serving Community in Christ’s Name, we care for one another and we “love one another, even as Jesus loves us.”
We believe we “are church” when we care.

Healing Prayer Ministry
Our Healing Prayer Ministry is a deeply caring lay-led group of people connected through monthly, and often more frequent, prayer to share our care and concerns for people near and far away who are burdened with life’s struggles of spirit, mind, and body.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Group gathers for knitting, other needlework, and prayer. We make and share prayer shawls for those in need of extra comfort, expectant parents, new babies, and whomever else we think might benefit from being wrapped up in one. We also make and share prayer squares: smaller knitted pieces for one’s pocket, backpack, or any other small space to hold a reminder of our caring prayer. Charitable craft projects are also completed from time to time. You are welcome to join us to work on a prayer shawl, your own project, or just for knitting our lives together.

Creation Care
In 2019 we significantly lowered the carbon footprint of our church building when our 177-panel solar array went live. We chose to mount more solar panels than we needed for our own electricity usage so we could work with Epiphany School in Dorchester to buy, at a discount, a substantial portion of our excess kWh, through a Community Solar Partnership.

Block Party
We love caring for our East Milton neighbors as we partner annually with them to rock nearby Crane Field with our fabulous Fall Block Party. Food, friends, fun, music and a celebration of our shared neighborhood create a highlight in everyone’s year!
Our latest venture in caring is a mid-week collaborative dinner and program (for adults and children) with First Congregational Church of Milton called NOURISH. We gather—alternating between our two church buildings—every other Wednesday at 6:00pm for dinner, Wacky Wednesdays for children, and great conversation and learning opportunities for adults. We wrap up by 7:30pm: well fed, better connected and nourished for the days ahead. Please double check with the church office for current dates and locations.