Our Inclusive Community
Open and Affirming
Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you.
Romans 15:7
In keeping with these words of scripture, East Church voted in 2004 to become an Open and Affirming church, explicitly extending our welcome to all regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our Covenant of Community Statement follows:
Drawn together in Christ and aspiring to emulate the unconditional love of God, we the members of East Congregational Church of Milton, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ, joyously pledge to serve our community as a safe sanctuary, open to and affirming of all people.
East Church Covenant of Community Statement
Believing that each person is created in the image of God, we invite all people into the full life and ministry of this church, including but not limited to people of all ages, nationalities, ancestries, ethnic groups and faith backgrounds; people of all gender identities and sexual orientations; people of all mental, emotional and physical abilities; and people of all economic and social standings who seek to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We are especially grateful for the gift of children in our community and we promise, by word and example, to help them discover their true identity as beloved children of God. We promise to help them grow in faith, and to love, respect and value themselves and others. We celebrate families in all their diverse forms, whether traditional or non-traditional.
In mutual support and love, we will render loving service toward humankind, striving for righteousness, justice and peace in the name of Jesus Christ.
Here is a link to the United Church of Christ’s resource page, entitled “Open And Affirming In The UCC.” And here is one to the UCC Open and Affirming Coalition (subtitled “The World’s Fastest-growing Lgbt-welcoming Church Movement!”).