East Church Home Page | East Congregational Church Image Gallery | 2012 Events and Activities (2)
See what East Congregational Church has been doing in 2012.
Plimouth Plantation Outing
03-6-2012Rev. Sara organized several fun outings over the summer of 2012 with an emphasis on Massachusetts history. This outing to Plimouth Plantation was recorded by Lanelle Fleming. Thanks for sharing these photos, Lanelle!
Children's Sunday 2012
13-43-2012We enjoyed a glorious weekend, after a week of rain. In spite of competition from the gala Milton 350th celebration, attendance was great!
General Stuff
06-31-2012Fun images that don't belong to a specific event or category.
Easter Sunday 2012
08-16-2012On Easter Sunday we celebrate life, hope and transformation. During Worship the stark, bare cross is transformed into vibrant, vivid life one flower at a time by by each person in the congregation. Thank to Carly for the flowers. Thanks to Jen, Brian and the Jr. Youth Group for filling all the eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt following Worship. Thanks to all who joined in the rousing Hallelujah Chorus following the Benediction. And thanks to God for no rain!
Dinner and a Show
03-47-2012Presented by the Growth and Development Committee. HUGE thanks to Glenn Kidder and Dwight Dewsnap for a fantastic meal and a delightful program.
Palm Sunday 2012
11-16-2012Birthday Bash 2012
11-16-2012Such noisy fun!