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AWE stands for All Ages Worship Experience. On the fouth Sunday, the children and youth stay in the sanctuary for the entire service.
September AWE
07-44-2015July AWE Service: the B-I-B-L-E
27-14-2015Yep, it was hot. But who can resist a service revolving around the Good Book? Pastor Shelly lined up an impressive collection of Bibles for the message. Big and little kids alike were up for exploring and learning.
May AWE service: Pentecost
27-34-2015The fourth Sunday in May also happened to be Pentecost. The theme was "Happy Birthday, Church." Party hats, steamers and noise makers were distributed to the congregants, who knew just what to do with them. We sang "I am the church, You are the church, We are the church together." The birthday party theme continued through to coffee hour, with a special Pentecost cake. My thanks to Heather McKim for some of the photos in this album.
April AWE Service - Everyone Prays
29-7-2015The theme for April's All Ages Worship Experience was "Everyone Prays." Children's book author Alexis York Lumbard was present, reading her book of that name to the children, and teaching us about Muslim prayer practice at one of four special "prayer stations." A second guest, Marilyn Whipple, taught us about Jewish prayer practice at another of the stations.
February AWE service: Celebrating Chinese New Year
12-20-2015Chinese New Year was a theme both in the service and in Fellowship Hall afterwards. Secret Valentines were also revealed, as the previous week's service was cancelled due to snow!