East Church Home Page | East Congregational Church Image Gallery | Homelessness Awareness Sunday

October 17th, 2010 was Homelessness Awareness Sunday at East Church.
The youth in the Confirmation class, along with Rev. Sara and Mike Bailey, travelled to Boston Common to worship with the folks of Common Cathedral.  Common Cathedral, and their outreach branch Ecclesia Ministries, is an ecumenical church community that engages homeless and privileged people of all kinds in activities that work to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of homeless people in Boston. 
To support their journey and to participate in this important ministry, our worship service on Oct. 17 focused on being God's hands and heart for the homeless community of Boston.  Our Sunday morning worship service was held in Fellowship Hall where we sang, prayed and listened for the voice of God. A special collection was taken to support the Ecclesia Ministries, and we made and packed sandwiches, snacks, goodies, paper products and love for the homeless in our midst.

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